8 Марта 2017 18:00Человек года-2016. Победитель в номинации "Организатор года" - Елизавета Романова
Главная Программы Деловые под микроскопом Деловые. Кризис. Мнение маркетолога Натальи Карнауховой....
Деловые. Кризис. Мнение маркетолога Натальи Карнауховой.
Разговор с директором по маркетингу Агенства маркетинговых коммуникаций "Мотив", Натальей Карнауховой пришелся на горячие дни. Евро стоит 100 рублей. Но не продашь его за такие деньги никому. Универсамные полки и автосалоны пустеют на глазах. Мнение маркетолога о кризисе и нашей реакции на кризис, о долгосрочности и панике. Что делать микро-бизнесу и как устоять среднему?
Последние выпуски программы Деловые под микроскопом:

Деловые. Бизнес-тренер Ия Имшинецкая

Деловые. Генеральный директор "Сибмагистраль" Валерий Майков

Деловые. Марина Решетникова, директор турагентства "Дискавери"

Деловые. Как помочь бизнесу. Уполномоченный по правам предпринимателей Валерий Падерин.
I was once a victim of Herpes Virus, I have severe outbreaks and it was really irritating. I was referred to a Herbal doctor whose name was Ahmed Usman from Africa through a health blogger page with lot of his patient testimony who were cured from different disease. At first I taught it was a scam because my doctor informed me that there is no cure for the virus, but I was so curious and I decided to give the doctor a try. I contacted him with his official email and he replied and asked for my Whatsapp number which I sent him and he gave me a call, he asked me few questions and how he prepare his Herbal Medicine. After he prepared the herbal medicine he sent it to me, which I received 3 days later through Courriel Service and with the doctor prescription I was cured within 21 days along side with the sores on my body and my Herpes result was negative with no trace of the virus on my blood, please don't get discouraged there is a cure for Herpes Virus with Herbal medicine and it is very affordable. You can contact him through his official email address; [email protected]. Most of his patient are been cured with his herbal medicine for Cancer, Liver disease and diabetes.