8 Марта 2017 18:00Человек года-2016. Победитель в номинации "Организатор года" - Елизавета Романова
Музарт. КУРАРА
В этом году в Томск впервые заглянула культовая группа из Екатеринбурга – Курара – которую принято считать частью т.н. «второй волны» уральского рока. На самом деле творчество группы вряд ли можно уложить в какие-то рамки – парни делают отличную музыку, не чураясь ни рока, ни электроники, ни даба, ни чего-то ещё. А лидер коллектива Олег Ягодин ещё и совмещает музыку с вполне успешной театральной карьерой. Музарт встретился со всеми четырьмя участниками коллектива в студии «Нашего Радио Томск» и поговорил о музыке, о последнем альбоме, о театре и о многом другом.
Съемка и монтаж - Евгений Иваненко
Съемка и монтаж - Евгений Иваненко
Последние выпуски программы Музарт:

Музарт. ПОЗОРЫ

Музарт. СЕРПЕНЬ (Москва)

Музарт. Ник ФЕДЯЕВ

Музарт. 10 лет "НОВОМУ РОКУ"
That is why in last century a new term appeared – surrogate.
When pregnancy is medically unrealizable, there is only one road to be a mother. It is surrogate. As rule, in these incident use money satisfaction.
Actually, to find a soundness girl – needed to search agencies which ensure this kind of serve.
We commend to use this <a href=https://www.mother-surrogate.com/the-base-of-surrogate-mothers.php>paid surrogacy</a> clinic. In these agency in Ukraine a lot of people from USA, UK and other EU cities became surrogate mothers.
Hense to the laws surrogate is juridical. The actuality and charges of surrogacy are very various. It depends from country, nationality, color of eyes, etc. In our agencies you can make a option about kind of surrogate.
We advise for all our clients to take conventional surrogacy. But our service contains gestational surrogacy. In Feskov company are direction for surrogacy.
When you input to our organization in Ukraine - a section of Feskov Human Reproduction Group, you obtain a administrator. This consultant will consult you about different things from the starting till the ending. As rule, surrogate continues 9 months. Then the manager qualify all necessary acts and you can take the child.
Also, the consultant consults your family next months. It you need to get a child, we advice to go there www.mother-surrogate.com. Leaders which are working there are very talented. They will reply for all your requests. If you needfull any advice, they will help you.
Also they will provide acts before this method.
On web-site you can discover datas. Also you can discover prices and help. Tech can answer you at English. You can make option of it.
If you want to obtain advice about mother surrogate as a process, professor Feskov will get advice for you.